JAPON 2009

The land of rising sun, with its uncommon traditions and cultures to the west was an incredible discovery under a scorching airless humid weather. The lifestyle and leisure’s which consisted mainly in: Pachinko (gabbling game machines) golf, baseball, karaoke and girl’s cafĂ© (for businessman or manga fanatic) was cultural bombshell. The predominantly clash was the language barrier: Le Routard for Japan was a big liar; all the Japanese do not speak English.

The Japanese ameliorate everything from the west, such as the Donuts and the French pancake that are mouth-watering the moment you lay eyes on them. They are not just stuffed with jam, sugar or Nutella.

The restaurant, shopping (tokyu hands, loft) and expositions: Ghibli museum, Mary Blair, Gomi Taro and Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum, Street and towns: Tokyo “fish Market”, Shibuya, Osaka” America Meru”, Kyoto “ Gion Town” Bepuu” monkey mountain and the hot spring”, Miyagima “ Kill the deer’s” , Tokushima “Awa Odori” and Mt Fuji summit and Onsen were fascinating.
